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"L'alienista", un testo sulla follia di Machado de Assis, messo in scena dagli studenti dell'Istituto Linguistico Pedagogico di Udine. Per indagare il labile confine fra pazzia e normalita'. Ne parliamo con Francesca del Zotto e Sara Grimaz, dell'Isis di Udine, Mariella Ciani, presidente dell'Universita' Senza Eta' di Campoformido e Luigi Attenasio, presidente di Psichiatria democratica. E un viaggio nel mondo degli adolescenti, con "Senso Zero", di Elena Peduzzi, edito da EL Einaudi Ragazzi.
SERVIZIO NEL TG DEL FRIULI: Il progetto MAKE ABLE 15 maggio 2011
SOCIALNEWS: far conoscere la Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali 2 dicembre 2011
LICEO C. PERCOTO: piéce teatrale "L'alienista" 7 maggio 2011
PIXEL.COM: The future of education 2 dicembre 2011
IL PORTALE DELLA RIABILITAZIONE PSICHIATRICA: …con l’obiettivo di proporre, condividere, offrire e divulgare le migliori prassi nell’area della salute mentale 3 dicembre 2011
YOU TUBE Makeable Project 2012
YOU TUBE Makeable Project 2012 Instructions
YOU TUBE Makeable Project 2012 - coming together
E-BOOK: Il paziente grave. Dalla psichiatria alla salute mentale.
Tom Jones (Capo Progetto - Gran Bretagna) , Wednesday, 15 June 2011 13:47
Robert and Antonio have said it all about the visit to Udine and I support what both are saying. For me, it's the really small things that count : the way the Italian students naturally starting to look after the UK people and the positive way our people responded to them; the dancing at the al fresco meal that seemed to involve everyone; and of course us all standing under the trees listening to the story of Marco Cavallo. Oddly, I felt the project had really come together when - as Robert mentions - the UK party were all waved off at the airport. I don't think that any of us really wanted to leave and I noticed that there were at least three rounds of farewell ! But I have also been looking at what we are doing on a larger scale. It seems that each partner is adding something to the whole project. The strong sense of a lively welcoming community at Mentalia Puerto and then the way that the Make-Able project was put in a historical framework in Udine. We really ought to find some way of putting all this together and tracking it as it builds up. The problem will be to make other people see that the social mixing, sharing and joining-in at Valencia and Udine (and I have no doubt also at future visits) is not just having fun but is a really strong and reliable way of fighting exclusion - or maybe we are already doing this through 'Yourcommunityfirst' ?
Robert Nutt (Cerebral Palsy Midlands - Gran Bretagna), Tuesday, 17 May 2011 15:03
I agree with Antonio's statement of Viva Marco Cavallo. I do think we also have to build on this and look at the what are the confining "walls" today for people. In my experience people may not now be kept away and imprisoned from society; the exclusion can sometimes be more subtle but equally as discriminatory. I would like us to be "continuing in Basaglio's footsteps" by recognising and challenging exclusion! Rosario Basaglio was clearly a pioneer and I am sure that he would have hoped and expected successive generations to take up his cause and develop it for a changing age and expectations.
Antonio (Mentalia Puerto - Spagna), Sunday, 15 May 2011 14:58
For the group of Valencia, as vulnerable to social exclusion, visiting Udine has been an unforgettable experience. Share this project, reflected in the activities scheduled so dearly, have the opportunity to create new friends and work together for a common cause is certainly a unique opportunity. The most significant of this trip was to see our boys and girls have enjoyed and how this experience has contributed to that are a little happier. Although in its line (always aware of coffee drinking, smoking, ask when we return to the hotel, etc.) generally have been very good. Thanks to Vania and Mariella and interesting involvement of students, which is noteworthy, since we consider very important to eradicate the stigma through the classroom...
Viva Marco cavallo
Robert Nutt (Cerebral Palsy Midlands - Gran Bretagna), Thursday, 12 May 2011 07:52
I have really enjoyed Italy and found that it was equally as good as Valencia, although completely different. We have social work students that we train at Cerebral Palsy Midlands and therefore the academic parts of the Udine visit really appealed to me. I was totally impressed and inspired by the work of Rosario Basaglio. I have tried to find out more over the last days of our return; sadly most things are in Italian. However I am going to cut and paste them into this network and then click on the language button to get the translation!
Physically Italy was very hard for us with the wheelchairs however this was more than made up for by the hospitality of our Italian hosts and Vania; who is totally incredible! We are hoping to do some work with the University and I am devising a disability awareness programme called "following in Besaglio's footsteps".
There were many highlights of Italy: the friendship, the humour, the fantastic scenery, my cardiac workout pushing Margaret up that hill! I think my favourites were the afternoon lunch, with fabulous food and the accordian music, followed by the drive through the countryside and a lovely seat in the beautiful garden. For us it was very moving to be waved off my our European friends at the airport. Our people live their lives on the edge of society, for the most part ignored by everyone. I shall never forget how happy it made me feel to see them acknowledged by everyone as we left for the return home. You are all wonderful.
Finally a big thanks to Vania and Mariella for helping to make this a great trip for our people. Problems are easily overcome if people care, and they both proved to us that they cared about our people to make them feel safe at all times.
Ciao, Robert